Resonate Together


Resonate Together is a profit-for-good, community led organisation and charity; our focus is connecting community, culture, environment, health and business into a practical, safe and sustainable living system for all. Our core aims are around 3 important aspects for every local person in Alloa:

1 - We create the environment for individuals to connect within themselves, enabling each person to make the confident choices about their own health, how they wish to develop their positive life and expand their skills and abilities, through learning, trust and kindness. 2 - Resonate Together then works on 'connection' - for connecting with others, across the full diversity of our community - enables a growth in our community's resilience and benefits us all. 3 - Belonging. What does it mean to 'belong' to a place, to the history and heritage of that area, to the nature around us... This is the one of the most important aspects for any community, to create that 'space' for understanding, for mutual and collective pride and care; and for the opportunity to trust our collective innovative 'mind-and-heart-sets' and develop what we need, right here, for us all to flourish.

Resonate Together is something different to everyone. Whether you want to learn skills, meet people, share abilities, start a new business, volunteer and help others, have some fun, increase your wellbeing, build your self confidence, recycle your ‘waste products’ for others to use, develop a social enterprise, enjoy and share environmental project… the list goes on.

The team at Resonate know that supporting each individual to develop their own Leadership comes from building trust and kindness into action. To increase equality and inclusion, we need to work together and for the last 12 years, our team has contributed to creating and supporting positive opportunities for all individuals who choose to 'get involved' and Lead their own lives, wellbeing and happiness.

Resonate Together : A strong, diverse and fun loving community!

Address: Carsebridge Cultural Campus, Carsebridge Road, Alloa, FK10 3LT






We’re a network of community groups and organisations. Our aim is to inspire and promote, connect and support community-led action in Scotland to address the Climate Emergency.


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