A Fruit Tree for Every Garden in Fife
Older than 10 years
Czar plum tree
One apple tree rescued from the clearance section at Kirkcaldy Garden centre last year. Planted march 2024
Not sure when it was planted I moved here 2023
Apple Tree and some raspberry bushes
Chris Bowers - Isabelle
Plum, apple, cherry, pear, blackcurrant, gooseberry, raspberry all been there for years.
Unsure, already in when house purchased. Large trees, 5 years or older
2019 plum
One cherry tree,(planted 2006) one damson plum tree , 8 apple trees varieties unknown planted pre 1950
Older than 10 years
Older than 10 years
Apple, Pear, Rowan, Cherry, Apricot
Around 10 years
2023 crab apple tree
This olive tree is approx 5 years old, and was brought to live in my garden in 2024, it's happy here and produced an olive 🫒
Apple, plum, cherry trees. Rasberry, goseberry, currants, blueberry and strawberry. Trees are around 6yr old and fruit bushes are 12yr old
Planted 2021
Dwarf apple tree 2 years
Two apple trees in large containers. One is a discovery. The other has two grafts, one is golden delicious, the other is a pippin