A Happy Volunteer Story

Gisela started volunteering with us in August 2020. She shares her experience:

"One of the best things about volunteering in the garden for me has been to keep my mental wellbeing during a rough year. I met many lovely new people, Manuela and Nadege shared their gardening knowledge with me while I helped out and I started imagining a new lifestyle and career choice. I think that now that I am getting older, it is important to me to learn and share with others where food comes from to be able to make healthier and more sustainable choices

This experience gave me the strength to believe in me and successfully apply for a job as a community gardener. I feel so happy now even if very busy. It really has been life changing, I was exhausted working in a restaurant doing a job to pay the bills. Now I have a job I love and I am starting college too in September!"

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