Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How do I get in touch with the network?

The easiest is to send us an email to , use the contact form or call us on 01382 802628.

How do I get in touch with one of the community growing spaces in Dundee?

Different gardens have different times and days they are available as most are volunteer-run. Click on the one you are interested in from the list and you’ll find out the best way to contact them. Please note that you might have to wait a day or two for a response in some cases.

Who can help me start up a new growing space or community garden in Dundee?

Your best first call is Kate Treharne, DCC Community Allotments Officer who has already helped many of the existing gardens to get set up and helped with permissions, access and other requirements, council support and resources. You can also chat with any of the gardens close to you. Most staff and volunteers will be happy to help with advice in person if you visit their spaces.

I have identified a good, apparently unused public space that could be used to grow food in, what can I do?

Again, we’d recommend you talk with Kate for permissions and making sure it is a safe spot for food growing. Then you can find help and resources here.

Is there anyone I could just call to get some basic advice from?

The Grow Dundee Facebook group works very well to get fast responses from the community of growers. Otherwise you can contact Nicky Burke, who runs the Tool and Seed Library at the Maxwell, she is available every Thursday to give you one-to-one advice on food growing, planning your space and give you or signpost you to free or borrowed resources to get growing!  For more specific expertise or experience from the network Nicola Macnee (Monday to Thursday) can signpost you to the person who could best help from our network, organisational partners and friends.

How can I get an allotment space in Dundee?

There is generally a long waiting list but it is worth getting your name down as soon as you can! Visit Dundee city council website page for this.

An alternative way to access a growing space is to use somebody else’s space through the Dundee Garden Share project, where you can be partnered with someone who has a garden you can use to grow food in.

What is the difference between having an allotment or being part of a community garden?

The main difference is that an allotment is a space just for you and your family whilst a community garden or growing space is kept and shared by many from your community, sometimes including schools or local groups. In your allotment you make all the decisions, do all the work yourself and own the produce. It will be your responsibility to keep your plot tidy, well used and to respect any rules. In a community setting we share all that work and produce. People meet other like-minded people or families over teas, meals and various activities to learn new skills, engage with more people and plan ahead.

I have some outdoor space I can use for growing, how do I get started?

Check out this article with advice from Get Growing Scotland

I only have a windowsill or space for a pot or two outside, how do I get started?

Check out this article with advice from Nicola Macnee.

I have a shared garden, can I grow food in it?

There is no reason why you can’t grow anything that you have agreed with your neighbours.  Just be aware that if it is a shared space you may need to ensure it is grown away from pets and chemicals.  Always wash your produce well before you use it. 

What can I do with my excess produce?

The Community food network can help.

We are looking for more Volunteers for our growing area?  Where can we get help and advice? 

You can get lots of advice from DVVA (Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action)  DVVA.  They will help you to advertise your opportunity.

Pop along to your nearest Community garden and have a chat with them.  The Community gardens often runs useful workshops on making posters, signs and is great for networking. 

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