Jamming & Sharing Party

At the end of the growing season there are often bits and pieces of fruit and veg left over.  There is no reason why this can't be used to be made into tasty preserves.  We held a fun afternoon event where we shared recipes and ideas for making jams and chutneys.  

We tasted all the chutneys and jams for fun and decided that the pumpkin chutney was the yummiest.  The green tomato chutney was less popular but we only made it the week before so it needs about 3 months to mature.  

Have a look here for more jam and chutney tips. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JgE4PMK1fjKrsb5AhOYeK13uUVMiQ23A/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112386653189734729473&rtpof=true&sd=true

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