We had an introduction to making our own Terrariums and had lots of fun getting creative! We used small Aloes, Jade plants (Crassula) and Fittonia with bright variegated leaves. Hoping for minimal watering over the next few weeks as the lid of the Terrarium helps to retain the moisture.
A terrarium is a sealed glass container filled with plants, the humidity is high and moisture is re-circulated, meaning you shouldn’t need to water more than a few times a year. Alternatively, the container may have a small opening at the top, which means that while the humidity is still generally high, moisture can escape, so they need to be watered a little more often.
Closed terrariums are ideal for small, slow-growing, tropical plants that enjoy humid conditions. You can use all kinds of containers, from large pickling jars to purpose-made glass and metal terrariums in striking geometric shapes. They need a position in bright but indirect light, a North or East facing window is ideal.
Terrariums are easy to plant but don’t overfill them with plants to allow room for growth.
You will need:
Glass Container with a lid, gravel, charcoal, peat free multi-purpose compost, moss, mix of small houseplants, decorations. Houseplant water/mist sprayer, fork or spoon, scissors and tweezers.
Put a layer of grit about 2cm deep in the base of the jar then start to add multi-purpose compost mixed with a small amount of charcoal. (The charcoal helps to stop the compost getting waterlogged). Make sure the compost is deep enough to accommodate the plant roots. Place the plants in the compost and firm them in well. Use the tools/spoons to firm in the plants well. Once all the plants are in position carefully put a layer of gravel round the plants or a layer of moss. Gently spray water over the plants to dampen the surface. You can also add in your own decorations of pebbles or pieces of driftwood, a mirror or even a plastic dinosaur!
You could decorate the jar with glue, beads and ribbons. Battery-operated fairy lights are another option.
Care and Siting
The Terrarium is best positioned away from full sun. An East or North facing window is best. After planting check the Terrarium within 2 days. If there is a lot of condensation then wipe it off and keep wiping it off each day to try to dry out the environment. If there is only light condensation then the watering is about right.
Keep an eye on the compost and only water once it has started to dry out. A water mister is ideal for adding small quantities of water. You may only have to water every couple of months depending on size, location and number of plants. Use scissors to trim off any brown leaves during general maintenance.
Enjoy your Terrarium!